How One Man’s Bad Vacation Led to a Review Revolution a Thriving Business

This week on Legacy Podcast, you’ll hear Paul chatting with Michael Podolsky, CEO and co-founder of Michael’s passion for serving consumers stemmed from a negative vacation experience, leading him to create Pissedconsumer, a platform for share feedback on businesses. Despite facing 24 lawsuits, Michael’s resilience has not only protected consumer speech but also influenced legislation. His dedication to bridging the gap between companies and consumers is evident.

By listening to Michael’s journey, you’ll gain insights into enhancing customer relations and improving business reputation, making this episode a must-listen for entrepreneurs seeking to leave a positive impact on their customers and build a lasting legacy. So, tune in to discover how Michael’s experiences can inspire you to make a difference in your own business and customer relationships.


Topics covered in this Episode:

  • Discovering the authentic origin and impactful purpose behind Pissed consumer.
  • Understanding the significance of trusting third-party reviews for informed decisions.
  • Embracing resilience amidst legal challenges and emerging stronger.

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About Michael Podolsky: 

Michael Podolsky is the CEO and Co-founder of the review platform and IT-consulting and BPO agency. Entrepreneur, an expert in digital marketing, customer service, and leadership, and an active advocate of consumer rights and freedom of speech.

Timestamped summary of this episode:
00:00:00 – Introduction and Purpose of Podcast
The host introduces the purpose of the podcast, which is to explore the values, beliefs, and intentions behind leaving a legacy. The guest, Michael Podolsky, is introduced as the CEO and co-founder of

00:01:09 – Origin of PissedConsumer
Michael shares the personal experience that led to the creation of PissedConsumer. He and his wife had a negative experience at a hotel, which inspired them to create a platform for consumers to share reviews and complaints about companies.

00:03:34 – Consumer Usage of PissedConsumer
Michael explains how consumers use PissedConsumer to write reviews and complaints about companies. He also discusses the importance of readers who use the platform to learn about a company’s reputation and address fake reviews on company websites.

00:08:51 – Background and Other Ventures
Michael shares his background in computer science and finance, as well as his successful career on Wall Street. He also talks about his other project, Wiserbrand, a digital marketing company, and its growth compared to PissedConsumer.

00:13:29 – Building Bridges Between Companies and Consumers
Michael discusses the legacy he wants to leave, which is to build bridges between companies and consumers. He emphasizes the importance of negative feedback for companies to improve and serve customers better. He also shares a story of a company that learned from negative reviews and improved their business model.

00:18:54 – Call to Action for Reviews
The host encourages listeners to leave reviews for the podcast on any platform. They express gratitude for any type of stars and provide the website for more information.

00:19:30 – Importance of Reviews
The importance of reviews for the podcast is emphasized, and the host asks for feedback from listeners to improve the show and reach a wider audience.

00:20:10 – Website Information
Listeners are directed to visit for more information about the hosts, co-hosts, and the Legacy podcast.

00:20:45 – Closing Remarks
The host concludes by wishing the listeners a great day and saying goodbye, wrapping up the episode with a positive note.

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