Kevin Berson – Kinected Consulting

This week we interview #63: Kevin Berson of Kinected Consulting about selling mid-level market businesses,  with the business owner and seller in mind.

About Kevin Berson:

Kevin Berson is an experienced M&A Advisor with Seapoint Business Advisors, helping business owners of lower-middle market firms ($5M-100M in revenue) sell their businesses for optimal value and terms. Kevin has 25 years experience across M&A Advisory, business development, and Big 6 consulting roles. Over the past 12 months, Kevin has completed successful M&A transactions for a global lifestyle e-commerce firm and a home services provider. For both deals, Kevin helped structure controlled auction processes that resulted in clients selling their businesses to Private Equity buyers, achieving valuations that far exceeding sellers’ expectations.

Kevin’s clients will say that he does an exemplary job preparing the businesses for sale, often getting involved several years before the client is ready to sell, to advise on actions that can be taken to ultimately increase valuation and reduce perceived risks. Part of this preparation includes building the ‘deal team’ to include experienced corporate attorneys and finance professionals. The two transactions were especially challenging given the fact that they occurred while Kevin simultaneously supported the homeschooling needs of his two elementary-aged sons, including his 11-year-old who has autism spectrum disorder.

Given his personal experience having a son with special needs, Kevin provides pro bono financial consulting services to a company that provides behavioral services to children on the spectrum. Within the community, Kevin volunteers time with the UCLA Sharpe Fellows program where he mentors UCLA undergraduates seeking careers in consulting and finance. Kevin is also a member of ProVisors, Bruin Professionals, and the Exit Planning Institute


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